In this article, we will guide you through configuring the Paywall feature on your eDirectory website.

For more information on what Paywall Content is and how it can benefit your business, please refer to this article: Understanding the Paywall: Definition of a paywall.

1. Enabling the Paywall Feature

First, let's enable the Paywall feature.

Navigate to Settings > Products & Plans > Additional settings & payment gateways and enable the "Paywall" feature:

2. Enabling Subscription-Based Products

With the Paywall feature active, you need to enable the products that will require a subscription to access the full content.

If you are unfamiliar with creating Products & Plans, please refer to this article: Products and Plans for New Clients

3. Configuring Plans for Paywalled Content

In the "Plans" section, where you can include products in the plans, enable the option "Access to paywalled content" to allow members signing up for this plan to access paywalled content.

4. Viewing Paywalled Modules

Once the Paywall feature is enabled, modules on the results page will appear as follows: important information such as Phone and Location will be locked, and the label "Members only" will be displayed.

When attempting to access the module details page, access will be restricted to members only.

5. Setting Paywall for Blog Posts

For blog posts, you can set the Paywall individually if desired.

Important Notes

  • Editing Locked Page Text: You can edit all the text of the locked pages in the Page Editor.
  • SEO Impact: The Paywall will not affect your SEO. Even if the content is locked, it will still be indexed by search engines.

By following these steps, you can effectively configure the Paywall feature on your eDirectory website, ensuring controlled access to premium content for your subscribers.