Integrating a reliable payment gateway is crucial for any eDirectory website aiming to streamline the payment process and provide a secure and convenient payment experience for users. A well-integrated payment gateway not only ensures smooth transactions but also builds trust among customers. One popular choice for payment processing is 2Checkout, known for its robust features and global acceptance. This article will guide you through the process of configuring 2CheckOut on your eDirectory website, from creating an account to seamlessly integrating it into your payment system.

Step 1: Create a 2CheckOut Account

Before diving into the eDirectory configuration, you need to create an account on the 2Checkout platform. Follow these steps:

  • Visit the 2Checkout website at
  • Click on the "Sign Up for free"button. 
  • Select your plan
  • Provide the necessary information to complete the registration process.
  • Select the option that best represents your business. 

Step 2: Activate your account

  • After creating an account, log in and activate it.
  • In your account dashboard, click "Activate your account"

Step 3: Configuring 2CheckOut on eDirectory

Once your 2Checkout account is set up, proceed to integrate it with your eDirectory website:

  • Log in to your eDirectory admin panel (sitemgr).
  • Navigate to "Settings" in the menu.
  • Select "Manage Levels & Pricing" from the options.
  • Open the "Payment Gateways" tab. 
  • Within the "Payment Gateways" section, find the option to enable 2Checkout.
  • Toggle the switch to enable 2Checkout as your payment gateway.
  • Locate the "Account" field and enter the email address associated with your 2Checkout account.

Step 4: Save and Confirm Integration

  • After entering your 2Checkout email in the "Account" field, save the changes.
  • Your eDirectory website is now successfully integrated with 2Checkout.

Congratulations! Your eDirectory is now configured to accept payments through 2Checkout. Users can securely and conveniently make transactions on your platform, enhancing their overall experience.

By following these straightforward steps, you've ensured a seamless integration of the 2Checkout payment gateway into your eDirectory website. Happy configuring!

Note: Please be aware that eDirectory is not directly associated with 2Checkout, and as such, we are unable to provide detailed information about their plans, subscription prices, or any changes to their services. For inquiries regarding 2Checkout's offerings, we recommend reaching out to their official support channels or visiting their website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.