
The Google Play Store is Google’s tool that allows you to submit and manage your app on the Android app store. To ensure that your eDirectory app is submitted and maintained properly, it’s essential to invite our team to your Google Play Store account with the necessary permissions. Follow the steps below to complete the process:

Steps to Invite eDirectory to Your Google Play Store Account

  1. Access Your Google Play Store Account

  2. Navigate to Users and Permissions

    • Once logged in, locate and click on the Users and permissions section.

    • Click on the three-dotted option, and click on Invite new users to begin the process.

  3. Enter eDirectory’s Email Address

    • Under the Invite user section, insert the following email address:

    • Important: Do not set an expiry date for the invitation. This ensures that we can assist with app updates in the future.

  4. Assign Admin Permissions

    • On the same page, scroll down to the Account permissions section.

    • Select Admin (all permissions) to grant full access.

    • Note: It is crucial to invite us as an admin, as full access is required to submit and manage your app effectively.

  5. Send the Invitation

    • Once all the details are filled out, click on Send invite to confirm the invitation.

  6. Notify eDirectory Support

    • After completing the invitation, kindly notify our support team at

    • Our team will verify and confirm that we have received the necessary permissions.


By following these steps, you ensure that our team has the required access to submit and manage your eDirectory app on the Google Play Store. This helps us handle updates, troubleshoot issues, and ensure your app runs smoothly. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us at Thank you for your cooperation!