The new eDirectory App release has now the ability for the users to send push notifications to anyone who has downloaded the app.

Here's how to configure your Google Firebase account to enable the push notifications on your app:

1- Android

After logging into your Google account, go to and Create / Select your project as seen below:

2- On the next screen, select the Android option:

3- You'll be requested to add the informations below:

4- Go to your app builder on your site manager, and select the Android Build option, then copy the informations to be pasted on the screen above, just as follows:

5- After inserting the informations on the screen, you'll be able to download a .json file, which will be used to build your app.

2- iOS / Apple

The instructions for getting the firebase ready for the iOS version are basically the same as above, the only differences are the informations you'll need to add on your firebase account:

You only need to provide the bundle id of your app, which you can get following the instructions on the image below.
Go to your app builder page, select the iOS build and get the following information:

After inserting your bundle id on the firebase account, you'll also receive a file to be uploaded on the app builder screen.

--- Configuring the Google login to the Firebase ---

If you're using the Google Login on your app, be sure to activate the following under "Authentication" on the Google Firebase setup.

After those steps, your apps should be good to go to the stores!