How do I upgrade to the latest version of the eDirectory system? Print
Modified on: Mon, 24 Feb, 2020 at 6:48 AM
As soon as the form is filled out, we will follow up with you directly.
To make sure the upgrade process runs smoothly, please read all the points below before requesting an upgrade.
1-) This process will upgrade your website to the new version of the eDirectory. You can try the new version on
2-) All the data in your website will be migrated. You won't lose any data.
3-) We will upgrade your site on a temporary staging URL first and send you the URL when it is ready. You will be able to review the upgrade on that staging URL and confirm the changes before going live. The front end of your current site will continue working as usual. Thus your visitors won't notice anything wrong about your current website.
4-) To make sure you don't lose any data during the upgrade, we will temporarily block the sitemgr of your current site when we start the upgrade and data migration. We will unblock the site manager only after the upgrade is finished and approved by you. This is done to make sure that you don't lose any data during the migration. If you need to add any new data urgently, we will provide access to the site manager of the temporary URL.
5-) Please keep in mind that plugins and source code customizations are not included to the upgrade. These mods and customizations will be flushed because the site will default to standard eDirectory code after the upgrade. If you want to carry over your plugins and/or source code customizations, we can do it with an additional payment. Please consult your sales rep for pricing options.
6-) If you have a mobile app in the stores and your current version is 11.1 or below, you will have to publish your mobile apps again. You can publish the apps yourself for free or pay for our app submission service. If your current version is 11.2 or above, you don't have to worry about this.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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