The account manager module can be accessed by logging in with your site manager system. Once you have logged in on the main GUI (graphical user interface), click at your username located at the uppermost right corner.

After clicking on the name a panel will open. Click on My Accounts to access the accounts management option.

My Account allows changes of email address or password for accessing eDirectory’s site manager.

In order to manage Sponsors, Visitors and Site Manager Accounts, you need to access at your panel, the two heads icon at the left side bar "User Accounts":

Here we have the 3 options displayed:

See below the instructions to each one, enumerated at the image above:

Email Field – Input email address of the visitor account.
Password Field – Input the password for this visitor account.
First Name Field – Input the first name of the visitor.
Last Name Field – Input the last name of the visitor.
Company Field (optional) - Input the company the visitor is associated with.
URL Field (optional) – Input the website of the visitor’s company.
Phone Field (optional) – Input the phone number of the visitor.
Address Line / 3.10 Address Line2 Fields – Input the visitor’s address.
City Field (optional) – Input the visitor’s city address.
State Field (optional) – Input the visitor’s state.
Country Field (optional) – Insert the visitor’s country.
Zipcode Field (optional) – Insert the visitor’s zip code.
Notify Check Box – Check option if you want the sponsor to be notified about reviews and traffic notices of listings.
Visitor Profile Check Box – Check if you want sponsor’s to have an option to create their own profile.
Once all fields has been inputted click on the SAVE button to save sponsor data.

Clicking on the EDIT button will direct you to the sponsor’s data and allow you to make and save any changes you need.
To delete simply click on the DELETE button, the system will prompt you if you want to cancel or continue deleting the selected sponsor.
Although visitors could create their account on their own, there is an option to create visitor accounts on site manager simply by clicking the VISITOR ACCOUNTS icon and click on the ADD NEW VISITOR option located on the uppermost right of the module.
When you click on the ADD NEW VISITOR button you will be redirected to a form for adding visitor data.Below are the descriptions of each field.
Email Field – Input email address of the visitor account.
Password Field – Input the password for this visitor account.
First Name Field – Input the first name of the visitor.
Last Name Field – Input the last name of the visitor.
Company Field (optional) – Input the company the visitor is associated with.
URL Field (optional) – Input the website of the visitor’s company.
Phone Field (optional) – Input the phone number of the visitor.
Address Line / 3.10 Address Line2 Fields – Input the visitor’s address.
City Field (optional) – Input the visitor’s city address.
State Field (optional) – Input the visitor’s state.
Country Field (optional) – Insert the visitor’s country.
Zipcode Field (optional) – Insert the visitor’s zip code.
Upgrade this account box - If you check this box, the visitor account will be automatically updated to a sponsor account.
Once all fields has been inputted click on the SAVE button to save visitor data.To edit visitor’s data simply click on the VISITOR ACCOUNTS icon. Once clicked a list will prompt showing the visitors listed on the system. Clicking on the selected visitor will open a panel showing the selected visitor’s data.
Clicking on the EDIT button will direct you to the visitor’s data and allow you to make and save any changes you need.
To delete simply click on the DELETE button, the system will prompt you if you want to cancel or continue deleting the selected visitor.

Clicking on the Add New Manager button will prompt the add manager account option.

First Name - Input first name for account being created.
Last Name - Input last name for account being created.
Email Field – Input email address. This will be used as your username when accessing the site manager and options
Phone Field – (optional) Input contact number of account user.
Password / Retype Password Field - Input the account password two times for verification.
IP Restriction Field – Input allowed IP to access site manager.
You can also set site Manager Permissions:

Once the fields have been filled out, simply click the SAVE button located on the lower right portion of the module.
For editing option simply click on the SITE MANAGER ACCOUNTS icon and the list of site manager users will prompt.

When you click on a username a panel will prompt showing the details of the user. Clicking on the EDIT button will direct you to the user’s data and allow you to make and save any changes you need.